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Brands and Colors in Eyewear: Part 2-Bronze Optical Gallery

Brands and Colors in Eyewear: Part 2-Bronze Optical Gallery

Tim from Bronze Optical Gallery shares more brands, colors, and styles that are 'in' this season for eyewear, featuring the Plein Les Mirettes frames.

I think it's always nice to have a couple of choices in eyewear. I think of it as a fashion accessory. You don't wear the same shoes every day. You don't wear the same shirt or necklace necessarily every day. It's nice to have a couple of choices to change up and add to your wardrobe as you go along. And the last frame I wanted to feature when we're talking about Crystal Frames is this beautiful frame from Plein Les Mirettes that is made in Normandy, specifically in the town of Houra, France, which is a traditional, very old traditional eyewear manufacturing village. And they make these great crystal gradients and this one's kind of green, the pink. There are pieces that are blue to brown and different combinations of colors, some bright, bright crystals and some subtle crystals like this. And then all of these pieces are handmade. You've got these beautifully carved cutouts. So each piece is really one of a kind. And that's the kind of thing that we like to feature at Bronze Optical Gallery.